Craigslist just changed their URL structure to include Make Model and trim in some cases. Small change but perhaps an attempt to have a better SEO structure? You can now also send larger photos and the customer can expand. The small photo is at 640X480 (standard automotive feed) and the new larger photo allowed 1200X900
Category: seo
Ram PPC Campaign, nailed it!
This campaign resulted on a killer weekend for our Ram client. Don’t mind showing the client because this was done a month ago, we killed it, and we are already 5 plans ahead of this. There were plenty of dealers doing PPC campaigns that week end but 2 of them had no monetary value proposition; their proposition was “Don’t waste…
MOZ 2017: SEM SEO and Alexa
Samantha and Oksana are finishing up at MOZ and they are already sending science fiction advances to us. “Something interesting that we learned at MOZ is that with voice and chat bots (Alexa and Google Home) you have to rank #1 to get answers, whether that’s through SEO or PPC! If someone asks their chat bot “hey google, where can…
AD VS landing page, a failed relationship
I was recently reading automotive articles on Flipboard (iPhone version) and clicked in an Amazon ad (the screenshot is of the actual ad), rather than continuing with a browser open request it offered to open the Amazon app. I clicked open and the App Store opened form a brief second, then phone automatically refreshed as if it knew that…
Increase Car Dealer Website Leads With This Lead Button
There are many ways you can increase leads for your website and that is always a good thing. Some ways are obvious while other ways are not so obvious but are just as important. For example, there is a simple button you can add to your pages which allow you to Increase Car Dealer Website Leads With This Lead Button.…
Long Tailed Searches out of market
The whole point of SEO is making it to the top of the search results. In the example we are searching for a “2014 Toyota Corolla Everett”. Something to note for this search is that this dealership is not in Everett and there is a different Toyota dealership in Everett. The results are obvious; the […]
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