Yago Paramo

Automotive Entrepreneur

Category: advertising

Ram PPC Campaign, nailed it!

This campaign resulted on a killer weekend for our Ram client. Don’t mind showing the client because this was done a month ago, we killed it, and we are already 5 plans ahead of this. There were plenty of dealers doing PPC campaigns that week end but 2 of them had no monetary value proposition; their proposition was “Don’t waste…

“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, plus a social media overreaction”

Something that sounds so negative is actually one of the best Social Media marketing advices for the auto industry. The most expensive part of the SM campaign is the ad, the graphics, the campaigns can actually be done once and reused (settings wise) with minor modding from one to the next. The inexpensive campaign uses the same ad for the…

Common Car Dealer Marketing Errors

There are many different types of marketing errors out there that you can make and each one can cost you. These errors, unfortunately, are pretty common when it comes to car dealers. In today’s digitally connected world, it is important not to make these mistakes. These Common Car Dealer Marketing Errors is what can harm you overall. Car Dealer Marketing…

Keys to Effective VDP Pages

It is critical to note that the most important thing to any website for any dealer is the vehicle inventory for many reasons. When people are shopping around for a vehicle, they want something that is easily accessible and very informative without having to look and click around a lot. Most shoppers will make their decisions before stepping foot in…