Yago Paramo

Automotive Entrepreneur

Author: Yago Paramo

Hyper-Zoom by Dealer eProcess

Just launched our hyper-zoom tool at www.northwesthonda.com The tool relies on having large images (2Megs or more) loaded in the background so they offer deep detail when zoomed. In the top example customers are able to see damage in the vehicle (transparency) and in the bottom example they can zoom into features. You can see similar technologies used at Nike.com…

KIA Dealer campaign

What do you think about this KIA dealer campaign? To be fair, my location was Everett, which still 40 miles from the dealer. If you don’t understand your SEM reports and all you ask is for numbers this can happen to you. We sometimes do targeted campaigns with unique offers aiming outside DMA customers, but Jerry Smith Kia in Burlington…

DMS Access Taxation

Just starting 2017 and we already hear rumors of new DMS access charges for vendors seeking dealership data to perform a service. A great quote from the 2017 JD Power Automotive Summit; “Information security should never be a guise for information taxation”. DMS systems are doing it right though… they charge their client—not you!—but the vendor performing the after data…