Yago Paramo

Automotive Entrepreneur

Author: Yago Paramo

CraigsList Website Integration

The CraigsList posting report system, now integrated with your dealer website backend: (AutoClassifiedSolutions.com) has been integrated with the back end of the DealerLab.com websites. In short: Now you can access all your CL posting budget, expense, call reports, email reports, etc from the website’s back end. “I know that what we did here looks easy but these systems are completely different. A lot of work went into this and I want to that Dustin Moore–lead programer in the Seattle office and Dan Whiten–lead programer in the Chicago office for putting their teams together and get this done for our dealers” – Yago Paramo, CEO of PGI Digital. Our goal with this integration is to have more and better systems integration so dealers can access information faster and from one point of log in. We have not linked the new reporting system to the back end yet! so there is no direct access until we test it for a few days. If you want to take an “early pick” you can log in your DealerLab.com account and you will see something … Continue reading

New Feature: Mobile Menu

Dealer Lab and Dealer e-Process’ rolled out its newest feature “mobile menu” across all of its mobile sites. The mobile menu provides easy navigation and access for the customer on-the-go.   Mobile Menu Grid The grid displays on every mobile page so customers can access different areas of the site faster as opposed to pressing the “back arrow” multiple times.   Menu Tabs When you select the menu grid, the menu expands to show all department/category tabs.   Expandable Menu Tabs The menu tab expands to display all menu links so customers can quickly get where they need to go.

Google Plus Authorship

Adding Google+ Authorship to your custom pages is becoming a vital process for search engine results. This simple process, which adds a simple line of code to your pages (much like a byline on any article), creates a “rich snippet” in Google’s search results that comes complete with the contributor/writer’s name and photo. Google Authorship is important for several reasons. The first is that these “rich snippets” pop visually next to untagged search results. With a photo and accreditation, these search results stand out from the crowd in a search and generate more visits as a result. Another reason G+ Authorship has been gaining traction in search results is that these “rich snippets” also allow browsers to search for more pages by a listed author. Having Google Authorship integrated into your pages is a first step toward verified identity and helps establish what Google has termed “Author Rank” (which is not a replacement for page ranking, but a separate system with ties into page rankings). Because Google Authorship is based on the Author’s validity and reputation, along with deep ties … Continue reading

Where does the Snippet come from?

When Google generates search results for your keywords, you’ll see a description below the page title, this is called the “Snippet.” The snippet can be an important section to optimize for driving traffic, so what can you do to optimize for that? First, let’s understand where Google looks to create your snippet. First and foremost, Google will try to find the parts of the page content that best match the keywords you searched for, and will show snippets surrounding those parts. In this case there’s nothing you can optimize other than just having compelling content on your dealer website. Otherwise, Google will use the meta description for the snippet. In the rare case that Google is unable to crawl the page, the snippet may be pulled from the “Open Directory Project.” This is why it’s important to have good meta descriptions on your pages. The SEO value of the meta-description is very minimal compared to a couple years ago in regard to pagerank. However, by catching the user’s eye with a compelling description, you will drive more traffic to your … Continue reading

Converting with Video

A couple weeks ago we posted about the use of video in the car sales world. Website providers everywhere are constantly trying to find ways to convert Browsing Customers into Buying Customers. Here at PGI we have stayed on the cutting edge of technology by building focused packages which pair the videos we take with powerful SEO and Distribution to give you a much higher chance of this conversion. Converting a Customer needs to be done quickly. Usually we only have a few seconds at best to draw a person in and make them want to stick around long enough to learn the value of what is being offered. Statistically speaking, the Online Publishers association tells us that 80% of internet users admit to having watched a video ad in the last 30 days. 46% of these visitors took some action after viewing the ad. 12% of these active visitors actually purchased the product featured in the ad. As you can see, making videos available and visible wherever your customers see inventory is crucial to taking advantage of the video … Continue reading

Why Half of Your Used Cars Won’t Sell

Digital marketing is continuing to grow in all industries and now accounts for 1.5 out of every 4 dollars spent in the auto industry. That being said, we also know that 90% of all customers that enter dealerships have done some sort of browsing on the Internet before purchasing a car. Google is predicting that digital advertising in the auto industry will quadruple over the next few years. Looking at the numbers, 50% of all visitors that come to ANY car dealer’s website from any source, click on the “Search Used Cars” button.  This is great information to know, but doesn’t necessarily tell the complete story when it comes to helping customers find the right car they are searching for. The story and question I would like to discuss is this; what is your “used car digital strategy” to get customers’ eyeballs on all of the different brands of inventory you carry? For example, when I look at most Chevrolet dealers’ inventories, I see that at least 40 to 60 % of the used cars on the ground are not … Continue reading